Oh wait what's that smell...?
Mum is busy cooking behind and dinner should serve soon... that leaves me little time to blog...
Well why am I back to blogging you'd ask?
Despite the support from my readers.. especially my girl and my friend Aaron (eeeeeeeeek)...
It always is something to do with the recent changes about me.. and most of you know.. I've recently bought my HTC desire.
Alright what's the big deal with smartphones? Nope.. nothing big.. but the problem with it is, when you have one.. you WANT to do all sorts of things with it(especially when it is fresh =x ) so here I am with my android Blogger app...
It's only one more week for me to start working at Samsung for my internship.. I don't think I can enjoy much holiday... not to mention Im still sick with cough.. just done with fever... will I be able to enjoy the holiday to the max? I don't know.. but I am going to enjoy it no matter what...
Back to seremban yesterday.. finally.. and much had changed.. perhaps my retired father has finally started thinking of enjoy life and rest.. not worrying anymore for any work...
He bought this.. picture below.. (how you like my instant capture? =x)
42".. anyone that knows about my dad well... It's not easy for my dad to fork out some money to buy such thing..
My sister and grandma is at home too... adds up the number.. not so boring.. and besides messaging with my girl.. or install some shit to my phone.. the phone is usually with my sister.. she found interest in angry birds.. and had addicted to the game.. like how enthusiastic I was when I first found out the game.. I did ask her to try something else.. but whenever I looked.. It's always the birds vs the pigs for her...
It's three months guys at melaka.. do miss me... ha..
Now I wonder.. with all the social networks... should I start trying tumblr and foursquare? Or are they just simply something too extra...?
I'll leave that to you guys my beloved readers to suggest/comment.. leave it at my chatbox or as comment if you have a google account..
Lil bit about what will I write next.. perhaps some android review or my boring life again... till then... thanks for reading..